Create Greatness in All Areas of Your Life
Past life work can release so many issues carried over from your past lifetimes, but what about those gnarly issues from current life experiences? Of course there is great value in traditional counseling, but If you want to kick your ability to create greatness in all areas of your life into high gear, I suggest you look into Ascension Leadership Academy (ALA).
Founded in San Diego by Jenna & Brad Ballard, ALA is breaking new ground in the human potential movement, helping others become powerful leaders in every aspect of their lives. Their approach is founded on a deep sense of love for self and others, with the objective of making the world a better place for all of us on the planet.
Although surprisingly affordable, this program is not for the faint of heart. The curriculum includes 5 long weekends over a 4-month period and sets the stage to redefine who you are and what you’re truly capable of. With innovative methods that help you break through deeply entrenched negative experiences, attitudes and beliefs (current life focus), you will confront whatever is getting in your way of success, intimacy, commitment, self expression, creativity, and responsibility for you life. The program includes 3 months of support from a personal coach to ensure that you reach your new goals.
The program was suggested to me by a friend who went through the process and found it life-changing. I love to experiment with new ways of improving personal effectiveness, and I've just gone through my first weekend of training. Intensely impactful; can't wait to see where it takes me! The program is applicable for people who feel stuck in their lives as well as those who have been successful in many areas and find themselves wanting to do even more.
If you are ready to commit to accomplishing greatness in your life, whatever that means to you personally, then check out this link to: ALA San Diego.