A short lifetime with a big message
A client came in the other day wanting to get more direction on how she was meant to use her unique abilities this lifetime. Extremely bright as a child, she was burdened by her parents with the adage "with great gifts comes great responsibility." So despite her many achievements in this life she still felt like she was not living up to her potential.
We uncovered a lifetime in pre-Roman-occupied Israel where the client was a young man of very simple family. He traveled from place to place helping people build very basic homes, and sent money back to his mother and younger sister to help support them. He thoroughly enjoyed his independence and focus on helping people wherever his help was needed. Tragically, he died very young in a freak accident while working on a larger and dangerous building project, beyond his usual humble work, because he wanted to do something "more impressive."
There were many more complexities to the lessons from this lifetime for the client than I will go into here. However, on her question of what she was meant to do in this life, she received the following guidance:
You are enough - you don't have to be anybody or anything else. You don't have to justify yourself or impress people with your accomplishments. It's not about what you do, it's about being as transparent as possible, open and accepting and acting from knowing yourself and acting with integrity.
Many clients hear a similar message when they consult higher guidance about what they're meant to do with their life. Sometimes they get specific guidance to follow a certain direction, but often they hear that It's not about what you do, it's about who you are and how you treat others while you're doing it. As John Bradshaw used to teach - we are human beings, not human doings. So simple, but such an important reminder as our busy lives get us caught up in the doingness.
I invite you to take some time today to release the doingness and celebrate being the person you want to be with others.