Love Relationship Materializes as Envisioned in Past Life Session

A client I worked with back in 2008 recently sent me a report validating the guidance she received at the end of her session:
" In the session a lot of what I envisioned for the future,  namely my to-be-partner, came true!  During our session I felt the following:  I was an American Indian woman, married with 3 children, two boys and one girl. My husband and the boys were hunting when they were killed by white men. Me and my daughter were killed back at camp by the same men.

In the spiritual space after the death, "Roger came to me and told me 'I am here with you now, I have the two boys and you have the girl'.  At the time I didn’t understand. I knew Roger through work, very casually, just coworkers, no love interest.

"About 4 months later and we were at a company function when I started to get to know Roger on a more personal level. It turns out he has two boys and I have a daughter. Our first date everything clicked and we have been together now for over 6 years.
"Just want to pass that along that past life regression does work, if you are open to it."

A wonderful heart-warming testimonial on the power of past life work.

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