How PLT Can Help Find Your Life Purpose
One of the top questions people want help with when requesting a past life session is: what is my life purpose? Am I on the right path? What am I meant to be doing with this life? Now, how can a past life session address a question like this?
There are two avenues I typically pursue in a session that can give considerable assistance in the search for one's mission, career direction, or life purpose. The first is to direct the client to a lifetime that will help understand or illustrate their purpose now. When this is successful we may see a lifetime where the prior personality was, for an example, a gifted healer -- and the client understands that is the path that he or she is meant to pursue again. Or we may plug into a life as a playwright or a novelist , and learn that writing is still a key component in the client's mission -- as well as skill set -- now.
Another source of information on mission and life direction can come from the spiritual guidance we access between lifetimes. This can be a very rich resource for uncovering suggested minor adjustments in direction, confirmation that the client is on the right path, or invitations to a whole new direction. One recent client had her guidance confirm that working in a humanistic setting helping immigrant and/or underprivileged women was a key direction for her to follow. This was something she had occasionally wondered about, but quickly dismissed as impractical. She was strongly encouraged to explore this avenue and trust that things would unfold for her as she went along; she didn't need to know exactly how she would move into this work.
At times, rather than a specific career direction, the client will instead get the message that his/her purpose has to do with a way of being in the world; that what they actually do doesn't matter as much as how they do it. For example: to approach every endeavor, no matter what it is, with love and kindness for the people involved. Sometimes clients are told that the career direction doesn't really matter, because in this lifetime the focus is meant to be on family. In these cases the learning for this lifetime is more about being than doing, the doingness just serving as the vehicle in which to develop presence in the world.
And on rare occasions, clients are told that their path will unfold as they search for it; that it can only develop through the search itself. At times, we have to do it the hard way! But it is reassuring to know that our struggle to find mission and purpose is leading somewhere, we're just not able to see it yet.